Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer 2014: Green Season

Traps bring out defensive behaviors in C. similis.
Count them -- seven days until I hit ground: Palo Verde National Park, Organization for Tropical Studies' Research Station. Iguanas and, I'm told, a few mosquitoes. It's Green Season, not a vacation. #100dayssummerscience finally back to lizard behavior!

This trip will ground-truth a network data collection protocol, sweeping through the site, building up interactions, understanding the connections iguanas have to each other. It will be good to see known and new iguanas -- the study animals, their haunts and preferential associations.

I'll be joined by a colleague who is interested in C. similis parasites -- internal and external. We'll be collecting various samples and profiling occurrences in this population.

But first, packing, and the usual last-minute insanity that structures all field work!