With 30 Encounternet proximity tags, I decided to use 25 leaving a few for back up. Below is Yellow-Yellow-Blue re-beaded at the neck with her proximity tag attached. (She' none too happy about even gentle human handling; when else would she be restrained?)
With each capture, besides morphometric measurements, making sure I had a blood sample, replacing neck beads, and attaching a proximity tag, I also ran a personality assay, seeing how much movement an iguana would undertake in an arena with a predator replica.
Palo Verde OTS staff built m an arena with door that nicely fits my trap, as well as a ladder on which to mount a video camera. It works perfectly for my needs!
Trapping, tagging, and testing 25 animals went well -- we were done in a mere 5 days. And then, well, you know what happens in field work....