Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dynamic Networks

Today, this iguana fondly known as Blocky, is here, tomorrow he will be over there, the next day somewhere else...and so on. As for all the iguanas, the network structure I'll build through physical proximity will suggest a static set of interdependencies, when in fact relationships may change seasonally (wet/dry, breeding/nonbreeding) or at other temporal scales.

Territoriality itself could change. C. similis is a central-place territorial holder focused on a refuge. At that location, an iguana may chase off conspecifics while when foraging at a different location, appears to give no thought to the refuge presently undefended or the iguanas now tolerated.

Humans are also central-place territory holders -- we want to sit in 'our' seat in a classroom, feel possessive of it, but never give a thought to who occupies it next once the class is over. Our possession, like the iguana, is contextual. 

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