Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April Showers?

Fooled You!
Slightly delayed by weather in Houston, I arrived in Liberia, Costa Rica, roughly on time. It's smooth getting through immigration and customs, and OTS staff member Davy was there to meet me. Nice to recognize a face. We headed to Bagaces, stopping for a couple station/science errands (boat repairs).

The afternoon at Palo Verde was thick, still, and hot, thundering in the distance across the Tempisque river -- but no rain at the station. I walked around and many iguanas were hiding from the afternoon doldrums. Out were Sneaker Male and Romelia bobbing at each other near the kitchen, and I heard and then saw Okra climbing Big Tree.

Around 4:00 pm several of the office roof iguanas stuck their heads out, including BrRG taunting me, hiding his beads for a time. Ever-shy-near-refuge Orange-Blue-Pale Blue was still shy. BrBrBr was spotted sneaking into the cracked Guayacan tree near the lab. Interestingly absent were WOG, GGG, and BRW.

I spotted several Unmarked iguanas (UM) including this one who has a refuge among rocks. It's good to be back!

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