Sunday, March 17, 2013

Monkeys, Bobbers, and Big Tree Area

New group today: Big Tree Area with requisite iguanas, hide holes, and open area for basking.  A mix of females, a couple males, and lo, some younger lizards. 

You may be able to make out the bits of watermelon, and the young iguana trying a taste. This method nicely leads the iguana into the trap with minimal fuss. Unless, of course, a more dominant animal sees you eating something that might be worth giving you chase, and gets trapped instead. Useful for me, but could make it interesting trying to catch the younger lizards.

The Big Tree Area hosted a band of white-faced monkeys who stole trap bait and ran off with a colored fishing bobber up a tree. It was dropped in disgust when it provided no nourishment.

White-Orange-Green (WOG), the first female caught in the Big Tree Area, decided the Wire Box of Treats was great fun! She was more than willing to be caught multiple times for a bite of fruit. 

WOG was nice enough to also let me see several bouts of agonistic appears she is top dog at Big Tree.


  1. How fun! Sounds like you're making lots of progress already:)

  2. I love WOG! She sounds so impressive as the top dog at Big Tree :) and Can't say no to watermelon. That's my chick.
