Friday, March 22, 2013

Self-Possessed Iguana Gives Chase

WOG: White-Orange-Green
WOG is an outgoing lizard -- she will come with a a meter of me, give a little assertion bob, and stay for a spell. On the other hand, she is keenly aware of her fellow lizards, and will chase those who stray too near. That is, she will when it is the chase part of the day. At other times, the same lizards may share a feeding period or shaded area with no contest. 

WOG chasing smaller and younger unmarked iguana from her tree stump and refuge.
Other iguanas in the same area and also with established refuges (a pipe, a tree root, etc.) rarely bob or chase other lizards. Orange-Blue-Pale Blue chases WOG and has made a couple small lunges toward smaller lizards, but she is shy and furtive. Ditto for Blue-Red-White in the same area.

Green-Green-Green is usually quick to her retreat (a pipe) but today seemed beyond any catch and release annoyance. She carefully observed several iguanas feed in her area and found no need to chase them. 

Sneaker male? Spikes are getting long for a female.

One of the many Unmarked (UM) iguanas waiting for the next trapping time. 
Like all field work, some things almost need to go sideways. Today the still camera thought about giving up on auto-focusing but righted itself and the video camera batteries drained quickly. I suppose my worst complaint is too many iguanas -- a crocodile tear if one was ever shed!

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